About Me
Hello! My name is Bonnie and I can't wait to work with you! I am currently based out of Ohio and have a passion for capturing life's special moments. Whether that be you and your partner eloping in the PNW or a date night in the valleys of the east. Either way, I want to be there to celebrate life's most beautiful moments, no matter how small or big they may be.
I am 21 years old and doing photography full time! Such a blessing this job has been and I cannot wait to continue exploring and creating.
A few of my favorite things would include: good music, nature of all kinds (but if you stick me in the mountains I would be okay with staying there the rest of my life), books!!, being barefoot, gardening, rain and learning new things. Most importantly my chunky dog Bandit!
My Story:
I did go to college at Grand Canyon University but, due to my mom's health I had to drop out and return home to aid in her caretaking. The summer I returned home I wasn't sure what I was going to do, I had switched my major from forensic psych to entrepreneurship that spring with the idea that I knew I wanted to be my own boss one day, I just had no idea how.
I even tried to continue online that fall but, with the stress of my mom living in the hospital, trying to work a part time job and build a business from the ground up led me to make the scary decision of completely quitting school and focusing on my family and the possibility of this career.
Now I've always loved the idea of traveling and seeing the world, it's really the only consistent desire I have had throughout my life. I originally thought about the idea of being a content creator. I loved the idea of traveling and creating videos of those travels but I was never really tech savvy. I took one look at a video editing software and closed the computer.
The spring before I came home I had an empty credit to fill, after scrolling through classes I decided to take a photography course since I had a camera (that I asked for for Christmas) but had no idea how it worked. That class taught me the basics and it wasn't until my final project that we had creative freedom to "tell a story" and I ran with it. That creation (though laughable now) was so exciting for me that once I got home I wanted to keep using my camera. I started with some pictures of friends and after that I did some research and realized...this could be a real career.
So I kept creating, and a year and half later here I am! This journey has been so exciting and I am learning new things every day. I am in love with this art, this business, and I don't know where I would be without it, without you.
thank you for reading,
bonnie <3